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Best Practices

Infographic: The Impact of Attention Scarcity on Modern Marketing

Way back in 1971, long before the World Wide Web was even a glint in inventor Tim Berners-Lee’s eye, the economist Herbert A. Simon predicted the modern marketer’s dilemma:

“What information consumes is rather obvious: It consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.”

(Source:New York Magazine)

If you’re in marketing and sales, and you can’t cut through the noise with your content, how can you ever hope to educate your buyers and influence their purchase decisions? To illustrate what you’re up against, we’ve put together this infographic with the latest research on marketing in the Attention Economy. Take a deep dive into the key factors that contribute to attention scarcity – and understand why your latest email likely isn’t on the top of the pile for your busy, distracted and information-overloaded B2B buyer.

Click to View the Infographic:

A screenshot of the infographic's title that reads "Welcome to the Attention Economy" and shows cartoons representing Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, social medias and a cute cat video.
Headshot of Nick Edouard
Written By
Nick Edouard
Nick Edouard is co-founder and Chief Product Officer of PathFactory (formerly LookBookHQ). Nick has previously founded or led several high-growth technology companies in Canada, the US and the UK, including Broadreach Networks (acquired by QinetiQ) and Macropolitan (acquired by Arqiva). He was most recently President, North America of Nomad Digital, the leading global provider of connectivity solutions to the transportation sector. A frequent speaker at conferences and events, Nick holds an MA (Hons) degree in Classics & Philosophy from Trinity College, University of Oxford. He’s still figuring out what to do with it.

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